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The Engagement Ring

Popping the question: one of the most daunting things a man will ever have to do in his entire life but don't worry, that's why were here! Take heed of Eoin McDonnell's, proprietor of Precious Diamonds, tips to fully prepare yourself and hear that gorgeous bride-to-be say yes!


The purpose of this is to assist you in making an informed choice when selecting or designing your
Diamond Engagement Ring.

There are five Diamond lifetime-purchases:

  1. Engagement Ring - this is the first and most important of these.
  2. Eternity Ring
  3. Diamond Stud Earrings
  4. Diamond Necklace
  5. Right-Hand Ring

Diamonds are graded by four characteristics known as "The Four C's"

  • Cut - one C for quality
  • Carat, Colour & Clarity - three C's for Rarity:

These characteristics are stated on the Diamond's Certificate (also referred to the fifth C)


Cut A better cut gives a Diamond its brilliance, beauty and sparkle. The Fire, Brilliance
and Scintillation (Sparkle) of a Diamond is largely determined by the skill of the
Diamond Cutter when polishing and shaping a Diamond. Less than 10% of
Diamonds are cut to top quality. If a round Diamond has been cut to perfect
symmetry it shows a 'Hearts and Arrows' pattern through a Diamond Viewing
instrument. If 100 Diamonds were viewed in Ireland, the likelihood is that only one
of these would be of Hearts and Arrows quality.
"If your Diamond Jeweller does not discuss cut, move on!"

Colour Diamonds come in a multitude of colours. Most diamonds may appear colourless,
but actually have slight tones of yellow or brown. That colour can lessen a diamond's
brilliance. 'White' Diamonds are alphabetically graded. Grades D, E and F are
considered colourless. Grades G and H are considered near colourless.

Clarity Most diamonds have natural internal birthmarks known as inclusions and external
surface irregularities referred to as blemishes. The extent to which inclusions and
blemishes are present, determines a diamond's clarity. The Inclusions and Blemishes
in Diamonds of clarity VS2 and better are invisible to the naked eye.

Carat The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. As weight usually compares to size,
the larger the diamond, the more it weighs. Size being a determining factor in the
rarity of a diamond, it is recognised that the value of a two carat diamond is much
greater than twice that of a one carat stone. Even though it is only twice the weight,
the two carat diamond is a much rarer find and as such carries more value. It is
important that the Diamond has the correct 'spread' for its size.

Certification Considered the Diamonds passport. A Diamond over half a carat in weight should
be accompanied by an independent Gemmological Laboratory Diamond Certificate
This statement assures that the characteristics as contained in the certificate are those
determined by experienced diamond graders using recognized gemmological
instruments and expertise. AGS; HRD; GIA; IGI and Anchorcert are recommended
Shape Diamonds can be cut in various shapes. The round brilliant is the best known and
most popular. For all other shapes it is important that the proportions are right to
ensure maximum brilliance.

Blood Diamonds or Conflict Diamonds are diamonds illegally traded to fund
Diamond conflict in war-torn areas, particularly in central and western Africa. These diamonds
are sometimes referred to as "blood diamonds." Your Diamond Jeweller should offer
you a written guarantee that your Diamond is not a Blood Diamond. If not, move on.
The guide to Diamonds is summed up in the Diamond Laws - click on the link below


Selecting the ring is as important as selecting the Diamond. When designing or selecting a
Diamond ring care and consideration must be taken for the person who will wear it. This is a
lifetime purchase and the ring should be created with the individual's tastes and desires in mind.
Suitability The ring must suit the wearer. Many designs look fantastic in a magazine but do not
sit well on the hand. A Diamond Ring should match its wearer, be comfortable and
look fantastic

Practicality A Diamond ring must be practical. If it is to be worn in a Primary-School
environment or a Doctor's surgery a high setting may not be appropriate.
Setting The setting is the area of the ring that the Diamond sits in.
Platinum is the setting of choice for a Diamond. Platinum keeps its pute white
colour for a lifetime. It is hypoallergenic. It is more durable than other jewellery
metals. It is heat and acid resistant. It does not wear away. It holds Precious Stones

Budget It is suggested to invest three months salary in a Diamond Engagement Ring.
Valuation An independent assessment of your Diamond Ring by a qualified valuer.
A photograph should accompany a full and accurate description stating any
distinguishing features. This document should be given to your insurer
Insurance Your Diamond Ring should be insured. The most favoured method of insurance is
itemised as an all-risks item on house contents policy.

Service Your ring should be examined by your Diamond Jeweller at least once every year,
to clean and re-polish it for you and ensure that it remains in perfect condition.
The material in this article is for general information only. Professional advice
should be sought when investing in a Diamond Engagement Ring.


Eoin McDonnell is a graduate member of the Diamond High Council (HRD) and has a Diamond
Jewellers based in College Green Dublin. Eoin

Diamond Ring Guide
By Eoin McDonnell
Proprietor, Precious Diamonds


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