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Clear Braces | Invisalign Ireland

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Supplier Details

Invisalign is at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry technology. Unlike the more traditional braces or retainers, Invisalign is a virtually invisible method of straightening your teeth. You will be fitted with removable, see-through aligners that have been specifically crafted to fit your teeth. The aligners will gradually cause your teeth to shift their position slightly over a period of two weeks. Every two weeks, you will change the aligners for a new set that will cause your teeth to move a little more. As the treatment progresses over the following weeks and months, your teeth will straighten into their proper positions, as prescribed by your dental practitioner.

Before your treatment begins, a virtual 3D plan (ClinCheck� treatment plan) will be created, showing how your teeth will move throughout the course of your treatment, so before your treatment even begins you will be able to see what the finished result will look like. Using the ClinCheck� treatment plan, then, each custom-made set of aligners is produced specifically for you to help you achieve exactly the smile you desire.

There are many options for ways to transform your smile. Not other treatment, though, offers the combination of, comfort, effectiveness, and being virtually invisible that Invisalign can offer. Invisalign: clearly the best option.

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Contact Details

Contact name: Clear Braces | Invisalign Ireland
Phone: +353 45 982 483


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